What is Pro-Active Pelvic Pain Exercise Class?
A transformative movement class for people who experience pelvic pain.
Pro Active is an exercises-based class, specific for people experiencing pelvic pain such as heavy periods, cramps, IBS, Bloating, Endo, Adeno, Vulvodynia, tight pelvic floor, intimate pain, sitting pain, bladder pain, urgency, and constipation.
In a supportive environment you will explore exercise, mind and body strategies and non-surgical management options to complement your medical plan.
No matter where you are at, this is a great place to experience individualised exercise and connection with others in a safe space.
Either as a start to exercise, recommencing exercise or complimenting your current exercise with better pelvic awareness. You can move your body in a way that feels good and to explore movement with no pressure or expectations.
We combine neuroscience, Yoga, Clinical Pilates, Pelvic Floor, Bladder and Bowel Rehab as well as mindfulness-based strategies to refresh, restore and refine your mind-body connection.
It is designed to help you move your body during the class and give you tools to use at home.
Pro-Active has a maximum of 4 people, is run on a weekly basis, led by our physiotherapists.
Mondays 5.30pm
$35 per class (Your private insurance may cover this class.)
Book Online or Call Innerstrength Healthcare 5229 7963