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Innerstrength Healthcare has moved to

Kardinia Health

Phone: 03 52029383

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Young boy sitting on the toilet
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Children who have faecal matter in their underwear, abdominal and bottom pain are often very constipated.

They often withhold toilet visits and have a reduced urge to empty due to a full rectum.

We use real-time ultrasound - rectal diameter measures to manage and monitor treatment.

Successful treatment requires a sustained team effort from parent, child and physiotherapist, it can take even a year for the stretched gut to recover and  awareness to return.


Regular toilet sits after meals, with a foot stool and a relaxed posture are vital to management.

Children may learn how to relax their pelvic floor muscles using real-time ultrasound.

We often rely on medium to long term stool softeners to support your child's success.

Book online now or call Innerstrength Healthcare on 03 52297963

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Small contoured toilet stool