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Relaxation training can be the key to your success in recovering from many health problems.  You may be reading this as you or your physiotherapist have identified some pelvic floor and general muscular tension.
Here are the secrets to success with any relaxation strategy:
  • repetition,
  • celebrating doing the practice,
  • remembering that the positives of relaxation grow over time,
  • knowing it is normal to feel resistance to relaxation and
  • that it is impossible to stop thoughts while in fight flight.
The stressed state also known as fight flight, your body and mind is ready to fight or run and relaxing feels wrong. 
So be gentle and kind with yourself as you feel resistance.
Here are some strategies to help you manage the resistance:
  • You could go for a short walk or tidy up the house or move to music to use up the energy before you settle down.
  • Instead choose a strategy you have done before,
  • start with your eyes open,
  • start with a shorter period of time,
  • prepare a regular location and time and
  • do it when you wake before you pick up your phone.
Please start with the Introduction and work your way through the other tracks.
Then try Breathing for 7 days or Progressive muscular relaxation for 7 days and change to the other as desired.
With time you will be able to create this relaxation state at will, during your day.  This is exactly the same as learning another skill such as whistling, riding a bike etc. 
For those of you who are more visual learners and would like to see a photo and video of a diaphragm and read a little more (see below) is more information and a video about diaphragmatic breathing.
There are 10, 15 and 20 minute guided deep relaxation tracks by Jonni Pollard on Insite TImer below. 
For those that like this and are ready for meditation Celia Bolton teaches meditation at Innerstrength (see below.)
Nature Based Mindfulness - Make a Start
Audio file
Nature Based Mindfulness 2
Audio file
Seated Contact Points with Pelvic Floor
Audio file
Hand In Fist
Audio file
Body Scan
Audio file
Breathing Relaxation
Progressive Muscular Relaxation
Music Only